How You Can Help!!


  • Education is a sustainable means to alleviate poverty and bring lasting change.
  • $ 15 a month will pay for a child’s education, which includes books & uniforms.
  • Lend your hand and help a child receive the quality education they deserve.
  • We ensure every child receives a good quality education and learns the skills they need to thrive in a modern world.


  • The nutritional needs of a child are simple and seemingly inexpensive.
  • For little as 50 dollars, will provide a food package for a needy family for a whole month.
  • The nutritional needs of a child are simple and seemingly inexpensive.
  • For little as 50 dollars, will provide a food package for a needy family for a whole month.

Water Well

  • We bring HOPE to the communities through clean water
  • We believe that one of the greatest differences we can make in Afghanistan is in providing sustainable access to clean water to rural communities in need.
  • Water is the most necessary of life, the lack of it is standing between millions of people and their health, safety, and opportunity to unlock their true potential. Access to clean water is foundational to the development of any community. It restores hope and unlocks potential, bringing life back to the community.
  • Imagine every single time the clean water you donated saves someone’s life, it is as if you have saved all mankind.

Mobile Clinic

  • We work to provide free healthcare access to the most vulnerable people in Afghanistan
  • Millions of people die unnecessarily each year due to a lack of health care. Many are children living in poverty who are unable to afford effective medical treatment. We aim to save lives and relieve suffering through the provision of free health care.
  • Ansar Mobile Clinic will be providing the people living in the rural villages with Mobile Medical clinics and medical education awareness. They will be treated for various diseases, conditions, and given health check-ups.
  • We will be partnering with local healthcare professionals to empower communities to improve their health, preventative measures, and appropriate hygiene methods.